Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mental Repeat..

thought i would share.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

life on repeat...

Sometimes people come back into your life, and it's a beautiful thing. Sometimes, it's not. This time, it's not. Parts of my past which I thought had faded away have reappeared. And I'm pretty sure there is a conspiracy to starve me out of this town. I know to many of you, this makes no sense. But to some, you understand.

I've wanted to move out of this town for well over a year now, but have lingered on. Partly because it takes less effort to stay, but mostly because I love a boy. But with bad memories lurking around every corner, I feel my time here is rapidly coming to an end. And I'm okay with that. Most days I can't wait for my lease to come to a close. But it also means I will have to leave things behind. Memories. A home. And probably a boy. For a while anyway. But I am excited to move nearer to dear friends. Friends I miss everyday. Friends I want to have lunch with, or just a cup of coffee. Friends that have shaped me into the person I am today. People who I am much better off for knowing.

Much has happened this week. A trip with friends has been planned. With only a day and half left until it commenses. And it couldn't have come at a better time. That's for certain...

Hearts and stars. Bubbles and Gumdrops.

I have some LOTR to finish.... Peace.