Wednesday, August 06, 2008

It's hot out...

So we got Brodie a haircut. They asked me if I wanted him shaved. I said yes. They asked again. I said yes. Then they called before they did it. I still said yes.... maybe I should have thought that through...

They left him fuzzy faced and tailed. And he lost about 75% of his bulk. And did I mention he kind of looks like a Bobble-head?? But, he likes being outside more. He actually plays instead of laying in the grass panting. And he chews on everything. Mostly his toys, but sometimes my shoes. And he knows what the puppy pad is for, but he rebels none-the-less. I don't even have to say anything to him, just walk in the room after he's done it, and he hides under the couch... it's frustrating...

But on the bright side, he has learned how to fetch very quickly so playing is easier for me, so we do it longer. And today he watched himself in the mirror. He was weary of the creature across the room. Everytime it moved, he would stare it down (and it would return the glare), then we would sniff the air. It was adorable.

So via request from Christy.....