It has all started running together and it's only day 2.5, so here's a summary of the last two days:
I got up early on official day one, had some honey nut cheerios with Almond milk (super delicious, btw) went to interview with Brandy at ABC Kitchen (the new Jean-Georges restaurant on Broadway just down from Union Square, it's quite the talk of the town apparently. It's been mentioned in the NY Times at least twice that I've seen, as well as a popular Manhattan Magazine.) Brandy, however, wasn't available so I saw the GM instead, Ryan. He's super adorable and surprisingly young. While we were chatting about my background and why I wanted to work at the Elixir Bar, Jean-Georges came over to ask something and I was able to meet him!!! And he was delightful!!! And he said he hoped I joined their team!!! OPEN MOUTH, AWE-STRUCK, OMG.YESPLEASE! After filling out copious amounts of paperwork, we decided that I should start IMMEDIATELY, so I was scheduled for the following day! Afterwards I basically just wandered around Union Square, watched the moms with their kids at the weekly park event, went to the Sbux to recharge, Barnes and Nobles with it's four freaking floors!!! Was treated to a lovely sushi birthday lunch (because did I mention I turned a quarter of a century?!) with Ann Marie and her friend/co-worker April (now my new co-worker!)
Things to note of the day: People sleep on the subway. They sleep sitting down, leaning against the wall, holding onto a pole swaying with the train. Also, an absurd amount of Sbux goers order tall beverages. Now, for those of you not in the know... that's a small. It's very, very tiny and I just don't get it. Maybe they should start ordering a large and then maybe they wouldn't snooze through their stop... Just saying.
But moving on to day three... Ann Marie and I scoured the interwebs (Craigslist) and called a guy about an sublet, made an appointment for mid-afternoon, then headed off to spin class. That's right folks, I spun. Sorta. Basically I kept up for about ten minutes, felt like my legs would give out completely, my chest tightened and I'm pretty sure I started to have an actual heart attack, sat down in the saddle praying for it to just all end, then Ann Marie looks over and says, "Only twenty more minutes!!!" ONLY!?!?!? Um, kill me now. Thanks.
After the treacherous trip down the stairs of the YMCA (seriously, my legs felt like jelly,) I went to meet a potential roommate and, AND I didn't get lost on the train!!! Huzzah!!! I now am the proud renter of a delightful room over in Bed Stuy (sp?) with a lovely guy named Breck (he's an artist) and has a most adorable girlfriend. He seems super cool. Does work periodically with a catering company that was recently featured on Martha Steward and he said he might could hook me up with that. WHICHWOULDBEFREAKINGAWESOME! He also really likes to cook, and occasionally does so with the people in the building who have a little garden out back!!! And I'm welcome to cook and join, and OMG he's awesome so far!
Onward to my first day of work which was.... Amazing! They people are awesome and interesting and I love them already. And the product is uber labor intensive but completely worth it! More on work later, promise!!! But for now I just crash, I'm exhausted! My New Job.
Oh wait, Ann Marie and I had dinner when I got home over in Park Slope (which will hopefully be where we live soon, it's also where the YMCA is located.) I had the most delicious Fish Tacos at a place called "Rachel's" Mmmk, goodnight!
ps. sorry for the typos, too tired to proofread. bye!
The view from my train.
A job and a place to live already?!? NYC must love you.
:) well to be fair, Ann Marie got me the job and it was pretty much mine before I even arrived (assuming I didn't tank the interview.) As for the apt, that was all me!!! Big smiles!
Dude, that is awesome. You're awesome. It makes me stupid happy to have a friend that is stupid happy. Seriously, way to take a hold of your destiny.
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