Thursday, January 07, 2010

This Year in Review

2009 was not always good to me. actually, 2009 was mostly unpleasant.  but what i found out today (thank you facebook) is i was apparently pretty optimistic and positive this year (my most frequently used word was "happy"). so i decided to make a list of some of the things 2009 brought that were good. things that made it all worth it..

1. Dancing into oblivion with music so loud you can't think with a new friend.

2. Getting my first tattoo designed by my best friend.

3. Living a few glorious months with one of my favorite people in the world.

4. Meeting one of the best friends I have ever had.

5. Many summer evenings with a magical group of people. Taco Tuesdays. Brewery Night. Friday Dancing. Chicken and Waffles.

6. Four birthday celebrations in my honor.

7. Nights spent in Charleston with friends whom I miss every day.

8. Road trips to Charlotte. IKEA. Trader Joe's. Michael Jackson.

9. Beards.

10. Finding confidence.

11. Halloween. Part One. Part Two.

12. Mountain Weekend '09

13. A pterodactyl of Fall Music Mixes.

14. Happy friends and their engagements.

15. Christmas Vacation in sketchy places.

16. New Year's Eve Celebrations. Part One. RENT drinking games. Part Two. Champagne and Dancing.

17. Leaving the year in a happier place than it started.


christy said...

Love the list. (And don't think it slipped by me that you were just ten minutes from my house.)

RachelAdelle said...

don't think it slipped by me that you are quitting this blogging world. my only connection to you guys at all. i'm not a fan, in the least. i may cry a little later...