Thursday, July 29, 2010

I made it to "Shakespeare in the Park" to see A Winter's Tale with Kristina and her roommate, and although I'm sad Julia was unable to attend, I'm glad that meant I got the chance to go!! It was magical, set in Central Park at the Delacorte Theater underneath the summer starlit sky.

(above is the alfresco theater, but a different production)
THE WINTER'S TALE Directed by Michael Greif
With Gerry Bamman, Francois Battiste, Linda Emond, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Bill Heck, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Byron Jennings, Heather Lind, Hamish Linklater, Jesse L. Martin, Nyambi Nyambi, Matthew Rauch, Ruben Santiago-Hudson, Richard Topol, Max Wright

 In other exciting news, we had the shoot at the restaurant on Wednesday.  It's a reality show of sorts (from the bits of information we could piece together.) But if that's the case, it's not so real.  Not only was the entire restaurant shut down for this shoot from about 1:30-5:00pm, but they also hired an actress who trained in our restaurant for a couple of shifts to "serve" the celebrities during their meal.  That's just absurd, especially since a pretty hefty portion of our staff is aspiring actors and actresses, some with degrees in theater from TISCH and other prestigious colleges. Lunacy I tell you, particularly because our staff comes trained properly, but okay crazy movie people... waste your money and here's your twelve dollar juice.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Because Sharing is Caring

Silly Animals:

Retarded Dog- the "Paint" art is the best!

Unhappy Bird

Weird things with Babies:

In a watermelon- "epic cute"

Creepy Baby Cake


Adorable and Hopeful:

First Dates Make Everyone Nervous.- and it's a beautiful feeling.

Hello Friends.

Things have been a bit busy lately, sorry for the hiatus. I think the best way to catch everything up is a little list, so here goes!

1. I'm now at full time at work, although I've actually had overtime the last two weeks (time and a half, I'll take it!)  I also managed to get off training pay early which was a fantastic little surprise!
2. I absolutely adore the ladies I work with and particularly enjoyed going to see the late showing of Inception with them (if you haven't seen it, go! My mind is blown and I must see it again!)
3. We've had quite the parade of celebrities lately, including Henry Winkler, David Schwimmer, Tom Petty, and Lucy Liu (who I believe is doing a movie shoot this week at the Elixir Bar!! And yes I'm working!!)
4. Ann Marie and I had no luck finding a place together so she is going to sublet a place month to month and I guess I'm going to stay put for now.  We'll see what happens from there.
5. Sarah Sutton and Steven Kady dropped by to visit!! We found a nice air conditioned, underground pub (because underground bars are our thing.) Then I got on the right train heading in the wrong direction and took FOREVER to get home, then went the wrong way off the subway stop, then my phone died while I was talking to my mom and she maybe had a tiny heart attack (whoops!) It's okay Mom! I'm safe! There was a police officer standing beside me, literally, I could have reached out and touched him (but that might have been weird.)
6. I still haven't gotten around to seeing Shakespeare in the Park, and I'm doubting I will be able to given all the hours I've been blessed to have (and the overtime I seem to put in as well) but maybe there will be time for other fun events.
7. Summer is (crossing my fingers) coming to visit in the Fall!! Which makes me happy because I love her and I love fall!!!! And, AND! For Christmas Erin may be sending herself to visit me!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!
8. On a more serious note, I've also realized over the last few weeks (after a long-running thought process stemming from the last several years) that you can't control pretty much anything, and accepting that is the best way to find happiness.  All you have, all you can do, is your best.  If someone doesn't like it, at least then you've done all you can and can just walk away with ease. Yep. No more control freak over here. And also, friends are amazing gifts and really the only thing worth anything in this world. True story.

Well that's all the catching up I've got time for this evening.... Now I have to figure out what I'm going to do with my hair for the movie shoot... hmm....

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I'll be back...

"don't worry bout me. you know real life... it ain't like the movies. life is just a bunch of stories you go through and they all end sooner or later. but it's okay, i'm going to go find my next story."

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Yada Yada.

There's not a whole lot to report over the last few days.  Let's see, work is going very well.  I'm actually off training pay this week ( I now need to secure five shifts a week, right now I have four.)  Ann Marie and I are on a search for a place together come August 1st.  It's a bit of a struggle finding an affordable place in a location we like, and we are trying to sublet two rooms to avoid security deposits and leases.  This actually isn't the hard part, it's finding free time to meet with potential roommates.  I think ABC is conspiring to keep us working opposite schedules.

One thing I like about the city, it inspires me to eat at home more than I did in SC.  Mostly because I don't know where anything is, and I spend copious amounts of time alone (eating out is less fun alone.)  But I do adore the produce section so that's just fine with me! Also, I was sent to Whole Foods for work and found out that apparently there is no sales tax on produce (and I wasn't the only one unaware, because no one at work knew this either... even my manager.)  Also, I found the Container Store (on a work errand) and if you've never been, and you love things to be organized (hey, I love it! Even if it appears otherwise!) This place is a happy organized and labeled haven! Which reminds me, I need to buy a pot to make pasta. And go to the Salvation Army (there were really good reviews for the one near my place!)

As for today, I found a supermarket closer to my apartment today.  It's super tiny but has all the things I need (and when I say tiny, I mean if someone has a cart, you won't be passing them down the aisle.)   And it rained a lot today, so I watched Hulu and found a TV show called "Kitchen Confidential" based on the autobiographical novel by Anthony Bourdain and they mention Jean-Georges in an episode! The End (for today.) There was going to be a picture included of my backyard covered in rain with the sunflowers shining happy and yellow, but my computer is sleepy and refusing to cooperate. Off to bed with the both of us. Goodnight interwebs.

UPDATE: Picture Upload Success.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

New York for Free.

Just a day in the park....

Yesterday I didn't get lost on the train, even though there was a tricky stop on my three train route.  I found this Conservatory Water at a pace you'd swear meant I knew where I was going.

I watched a young girl sail this boat straight into another one while her Australian friend barked directions on how to sail which went unheard.

I had a lovely lunch with Alice and the Mad Hatter.  Walked down "The Mall" to the sounds of a piano and a saxophone, both trying to draw attention from passersby. (I'm partial to the piano myself)
I also watched people paddle around in boats beneath the weeping willow trees, watched a young family splash in the fountain, and experienced one hellaciously hot day.  Apparently New York missed the memo that SC is suppose to be hotter.

As for today, I had productive day at work with the lovely Kristina (she's from San Francisco, graduated from TISCH and is pursuing a career in acting.) And the ever chipper Cici, who hails from Charlotte and loves everyone.  She also gets ridiculously excited over the simple things, (ex: she did a happy dance when she found currants in the fridge.)  She and I will get along well, I can already tell.  Plus, the two of them went to see Beirut last night.... um, yes please.

After work I sat in Union Square for a while and after getting off the phone with Mom the gentleman beside me turned and said, "You're from the south, aren't you?"  This led into a hour and a half long conversation about the city and Eddie's take on all the things you should do here.  First off he said to Write It All Down (some advice I've already been given.) He then gave me locations to several places that offer free salsa lessons, free art shows, free plays, free movies, free Shakespeare, used books for forty-eight cents, various other dance nights that offer lessons, free exercise sessions, on and on... 

Advice from Eddie:

1. Never take a cab (they charge too much and will take you "they long way" to make an extra dollar.)
2. Always keep a $10 Metro Card for emergencies (in case your monthly expires and you are stranded late at night.)
3. Pick up the Village Voice every Tues/Wed.
4.  Run along the Pier because the air is lovely, and when you feel unmotivated to run just try to make it to the next light pole, then the next, then the...
5. Whenever you feel a little uptight and overwhelmed, go to Coney Island and ride the Cyclone, because it's scary as shit and everything will be a breeze afterward.
6. Go to clubs that don't have cover because they are always more fun.
7. Watch movies on Friday-Sunday mornings because they are $6 and you can feasibly spend all day watching everything that's out (especially if you go to a theater with a multitude of showings.)
8. Always carry a snack and a good book because it makes all the waiting go by faster.
9. Find the cheapest way to do what you are interested in when you're getting started, take pictures of everything and make no apologies for it.
10. Make a list of goals for each day/week/month so you're always striving towards something.
11. Take the bus from one end of town to the other so you can see it all above ground, get to know the neighborhoods, it gives you a visual image you can't get on a subway. 
12. Write it all down because it makes you see beauty in the small things.
13. Keep a separate journal for the happenings in the restaurant world, because it's a whole different beast... "something you could write a musical about."

Eddie told me all about the various places to dance because he thought I looked like a dancer.  He said, "you have a dancers body." Which I disagree with, but I appreciate that he thinks I look like I exercise and he was pretty flabbergasted when i admitted I had worked out, really worked out exactly once in the last five years.  He also tried to convince me I should eat duck, because it's basically a water animal...

Monday, July 05, 2010

Little Coincidences

Today was very relaxed, thank God.  I didn't venture farther than about ten blocks to and from the little supermarket today.  Mostly because I was entirely too exhausted and in actual physical pain from all the exercise.  Plus I want to save energy for tomorrow when I go to the gym with Ann Marie again (she's spinning, I'm not.)

Moving on... For those of you that were unaware, Summer and I like to play a little game with my life.  It's like a real life version of "Six Degrees of Separation," and basically in my world things are ALWAYS connected.  Now at first it was because I am from a small town, then it was because I had been in Columbia for so long that it made sense my groups would intermingle eventually, but today was just proof that this shit always finds me.  Summer can pick up her life, move somewhere new, and not have a connection with anyone around her.  Me?? I'll give you an example...

So today, after I got my iced coffee and egg and cheese wrap, I wandered in the direction (I was told by the lovely couple at the DunkinDonuts) of a grocery store.  On the way, a gentleman started walking beside me and kind of struck up a conversation more or less like this:

Him: Why are you walking so fast, honey?
Me: Oh, just habit, I suppose.
Him: I hear ya. In a hurry to get home?
Me: Actually I'm on the way to the grocery store.
(insert mindless chatter about how hot the weather is)
Me: Yeah, it's pretty warm but at least it's not as humid as home.
Him: Oh yeah? Where are you from?
Me: South Carolina
Him: Oh, I have family there.... in Marion. Near Florence, are you familiar??

Of course you do, sir. Of course.

And also, last night my now boss, Brandi, brought fireworks to the rooftop (a rocket to be exact) and was asked where she got it? Did she hope over to Jersey to buy it? "I got it from South of the Border in South Carolina." she replied. OMG!Really?! "Yeah," she said "Me and Pedro go way back."

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Big Bang, Pretty Lights

I finally met the manager in charge of the elixir bar today and we got a little busy from brunch so it was nice to have a lot of stuff to do.  My entire body, however, was not a fan. Everything hurts SO BAD. I'm already getting far more exercise than I'm accustomed to so adding a spinning class was the worst decision. Ever. I'm pretty sure the muscles are so tight they are going to absolutely snap soon. But I'm trying not to let that little physical hiccup keep me inside.

When I finally got off work, had a little dinner I picked up from the Whole Foods in Union Square (that place still fascinates me... the lines alone are something to marvel on, but I digress,) I hopped on a train to meet Ann Marie and some co-workers over in Williamsburg to grill out on a rooftop with some icy cold beer and watch the fireworks.

The zoom is a little retarded. "Caution: Objects May Be Closer Than They Appear."

Although I new building went up within the last year that blocked a lot of the fireworks from this particular roof. Nuts.  But what we could see was pretty impressive, all 66% of it.
But now I have a phone date with the lovely Erin Ellis....Goodnight.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

A Place to Call My Own

"Mi Casa"
My humble little room. From the window you can see the garden in the backyard that belongs to the other tenants who Breck apparently cooks with frequently.

The wall of books left behind (predominately art books.) 

The living space, dining area, and kitchen (with a gas stove!!!!!)

It took two trains, five ascending staircases (several headed down as well,) about four blocks or so on foot and half an hour later I finally arrived from Ann Marie's to my new place.  I only brought essentials; my one carryon suitcase and my computer.  As far as I'm concerned, she can keep the rest of that crap (I'm too tired to fetch it)

Also, the roommate has been so nice.  He invited me to hang out with his friends tonight to watch fireworks on a rooftop, I believe.  But by the time he got home every muscle in my body was pretty much tight as a knot from the spinning, walking and non-stop standing.  So instead he told me there were veggies, beans and tortillas in the fridge if I was too tired to cook!! I think he may be giving Ann Marie a run for her money in the "Best Roommate EVER Competition."  But alas, I shall retire for the evening because work comes early, lasts long, requires a 30 min. train ride and copious amounts of coffee.  Plus I'd like to save some energy for July 4th festivities!!!! 

Friday, July 02, 2010

A Zillion Things.

It has all started running together and it's only day 2.5, so here's a summary of the last two days:

I got up early on official day one, had some honey nut cheerios with Almond milk (super delicious, btw) went to interview with Brandy at ABC Kitchen (the new Jean-Georges restaurant on Broadway just down from Union Square, it's quite the talk of the town apparently.  It's been mentioned in the NY Times at least twice that I've seen, as well as a popular Manhattan Magazine.)  Brandy, however, wasn't available so I saw the GM instead, Ryan.  He's super adorable and surprisingly young.  While we were chatting about my background and why I wanted to work at the Elixir Bar, Jean-Georges came over to ask something and I was able to meet him!!! And he was delightful!!! And he said he hoped I joined their team!!! OPEN MOUTH, AWE-STRUCK, OMG.YESPLEASE!  After filling out copious amounts of paperwork, we decided that I should start IMMEDIATELY, so I was scheduled for the following day!  Afterwards I basically just wandered around Union Square, watched the moms with their kids at the weekly park event, went to the Sbux to recharge, Barnes and Nobles with it's four freaking floors!!!  Was treated to a lovely sushi birthday lunch (because did I mention I turned a quarter of a century?!) with Ann Marie and her friend/co-worker April (now my new co-worker!)

Things to note of the day:  People sleep on the subway. They sleep sitting down, leaning against the wall, holding onto a pole swaying with the train.  Also, an absurd amount of Sbux goers order tall beverages.  Now, for those of you not in the know... that's a small. It's very, very tiny and I just don't get it.  Maybe they should start ordering a large and then maybe they wouldn't snooze through their stop... Just saying.

But moving on to day three...  Ann Marie and I scoured the interwebs (Craigslist) and called a guy about an sublet, made an appointment for mid-afternoon, then headed off to spin class. That's right folks, I spun. Sorta.  Basically I kept up for about ten minutes, felt like my legs would give out completely, my chest tightened and I'm pretty sure I started to have an actual heart attack, sat down in the saddle praying for it to just all end, then Ann Marie looks over and says, "Only twenty more minutes!!!"  ONLY!?!?!? Um, kill me now. Thanks.

After the treacherous trip down the stairs of the YMCA (seriously, my legs felt like jelly,) I went to meet a potential roommate and, AND I didn't get lost on the train!!! Huzzah!!! I now am the proud renter of a delightful room over in Bed Stuy (sp?) with a lovely guy named Breck (he's an artist) and has a most adorable girlfriend.  He seems super cool.  Does work periodically with a catering company that was recently featured on Martha Steward and he said he might could hook me up with that. WHICHWOULDBEFREAKINGAWESOME!  He also really likes to cook, and occasionally does so with the people in the building who have a little garden out back!!! And I'm welcome to cook and join, and OMG he's awesome so far!

Onward to my first day of work which was.... Amazing!  They people are awesome and interesting and I love them already.  And the product is uber labor intensive but completely worth it!  More on work later, promise!!! But for now I just crash, I'm exhausted! My New Job.

Oh wait, Ann Marie and I had dinner when I got home over in Park Slope (which will hopefully be where we live soon, it's also where the YMCA is located.) I had the most delicious Fish Tacos at a place called "Rachel's"  Mmmk, goodnight! 

ps. sorry for the typos, too tired to proofread. bye!

The view from my train.